Prepare your eyes because this is gonna be aaaa very long post including my birthday, Christmas & more! :D
First we will start with my birthday!
I became 19 on 18th of December, I feel so damn old ;-; But sometimes I still feel like 17 haha xD. I celebrated my birthday on the 22th of December with my family. Scroll down for pictures of my birthday presents hahah x3.
First, my outfit of that day <3 Bought a new dress from H&M :).
My mother celebrated me on some coffee at the Intratuin first, it was very fun hahah x3. Vamilla coffee & Ameretto coffee :D Yumyummm
This is the present my dad brought me <3 2 bottles of Riesling for my birthday because I asked for it hahah. Believe me, both are empty now :D.
Rieslinggggg <3 Soooo yummy *o*
I had to choose a new mobile because of my subscription of the Samsung was already over. So I choosed the Iphone 5s <333. Also a birthday present in my eyes haha
My friend Lilyaana sended me this Iphone 5 case and I'm very thankful for it since I didn't had a case yet haha
She also sended me this cute pocket watch <3 It's very beautiful :D.
Got this nice jewels box from a friend from my mum x3
A cute winter birdie with an Intratuin gift card woooohh :D got it from my aunt, uncle, two cousins & nephew x3
Red roses I decorated with silver glitters <3
A vase I decorated with a cupcake tree hanger & some christmas balls :DD
Got this cute wallet from my brother hihi :D
A sticker thingie which you can stick on your wall, it's saying Wish it, Dream it, Do it <3. Very inspirational for my new room x3.
Orchids I got from my sweet mother :33
Also got Baileys Chocolat Luxe from my mother <3 It tastes lightly to chocolate hahah :D.
The rest of the family gave me money >=< Ssssh, I'm not gonna show you how much or less lol, it's a secret :3
I'm sorry but I couldn't resist dyeing my hair! DDD: I wanted it to be slight lighter & a bit my own hair color.
But of course I bought some treatments for my hair so it won't be looking dead <333.
First day of Christmas, I celebrated it with my mum only. We went to gourmet and I only almost ate meat hahahah. Soooo delicious x///////////x. It was very fun but I was also very full haha.
This was my outfit of that day :D
And my make-up ^=^
Deliciouuuuuuuuus food! I miss it now already ;-; It's making me hungry!!!! DDDDD: arrrrgh
my mum :)
half of me xD
The Christmas three oh lol xD.
Wooooot, second day of Christmas was really the most fun day because my brother came over with his boyfriend <3 and we also went to pack out the presents :DDD
Soooooo be aware of yourrrr eyes, many derpfaces will come!
Brother & his cat x3
My brother and his boyfriend :D
Beyonce perfume I bought for myself :D
My cat watching us x3.
My mum being surprised
I bought her the perfum of Katy Perry hahaha, she didn't expected that coming lol :D.
& this were all the pics of the presents :D
Now some pics of the rest of that evening when he went to a Chinese restaurant,
Very dark picture unfortunately, something went wrong with the flash D:
As first I had sushi and I ate/tried it all! But the ones with seaweed are the most delicioussss <3
Omg, my lord please let me go back through time to have this for dinner ;=; IT WAS SO OHMY ORGASMIC!!!!! Pancake roll with nasi and teriyaki meat + soy sauce!!!!!!!!!
And then the dessert omfg, I LOVE DESSERTSSS <3. ''Spekkoek'' with a mango pudding, chocolate & vanilla icecream, chocolate sauce and whipped cream. ARGH please, I hate this ;///////////////; I want it all back please x/////////x
A mango cocktail without alcohol haha x3 It was delicioussss.
This was all of that evening and I want to eat the food so badlyyyyyyyyy right nowww ;=;
Theeeee 28th of December, I went to celebrate my birthday with my best friend, brother & his boyfriend. Since my brother lives in Tilburg now, we went out there & had a nice night going out!
This are me and my best friend, Lenie :D.
Beforee we went out, we ateeee pizza's (well me) from Domino's & a turkish restaurant which delivered us the food. omfg, food orgasm it was x////////x
especially Pizza margaritha & tonno from Dominooooooos :DDDDDD wooooohhh!
New years eve !!!!
And my outfit of that day :D
We first went for a round to the family, then ended up by my uncle & his gf x3, together with my auntie, her bf, my cousin & my nephews with their friends x3. The gf of my uncle made some delicious cheesecake
oh my god it was deliciousssss, now I wanna make it too *o*
Booombooooooom! *o* Firewoooork :D
I love posting pics of food ;///////; don't blame me hahhaaha.
Some other pictures :3
The other day
Mum baked a wonderful, delicious vegatable casserole omfggg
It tastes greater than it looks xD
The dessert me and mum madeeeee, yumyummm :D
Melons as a snack
Cheesecake cupcakes :a
Me and mum are addicted to Intratuin!!!! Well, that's because I buy stuff there already for when I'm going to live on my own :D
Vanilla coffee + Caramel coffeeeee woooot *o*
The Christmas stuffs did had 40% of discount :D
A thermometer for outside x3
A tea box :D
3 Hyacinths <3 I love their smell x3
A box for all kind of sweetssss *o*
And a box for coffee :D
Soooo this was my blogpost.
If you became very hungry of this all....... Money, food or what...
GOMENEEE ;//////////////////;
I couldn't help it D:
Thanks for reading my loveliesss xD
Big kisses & love,
Yuu San.