If you visit the site the first time, it looks very clear, the site doesn't look messy at all. It looks trendy & very chic.
But as soon as you want to order things, the page even doesn't load.
Size M, White with pink
After even, 12 mins, the page is still loading!
I couldn't order my dress, even when I tried it out on internet explorer, the page still is loading! The only way I could order my dress was on the Samsung tablet of my mother.
Well, I ordered the dresses.
And I got the confirmation email.
It's very weird they send me a German email while my national language is Dutch and also the site of ViviClothes is written in Dutch. I totally don't understand German, only the most simple things like Datum, Transaction number & the other things.
I ordered the dresses on 31th of January, 2014 as you can see. With a total of 124,90 euro.
I did my waiting, knowing it could last long until I would receive the dresses.
Now, 25th of February, 2014 I received the dresses. When I got the package, I was surprised because it was very light. I cut it open & took the dresses out. It was packaged well but the first thing I saw, when I saw the dresses.
1. One of the dresses has the wrong color. It has to be white with a pink bow instead of pink with also a pink bow.
2. The dresses are way too small.
3. It looks very cheap.
I wanted to use these dresses for a wedding of my auntie, since I'm her brides maid. Also, the description is so, very unclear! Because my bust is bigger than the rest of my body, I always have to look at the size of dresses which fit my bust the best.
According to the site, I have to take a size M? I found it already very weird... But ok, if the site says so.
This is the first dress I ordered.
White with a (neon) pink bow. A very nice & beautiful dress on the first sight. Such a pity they only use one picture of the dresses, you can't get a good impression of how the dresses look like.
As you can see, the site says if you have bust (borst in Dutch) 94-102cm, and I have 101, you've to take size M.
The same counts for this dress. The site also says if you have bust (borst) 94-102cm, you've to take size M.

Normally, I have Dutch size XL. But the site says I have to take size M. Well, if the site says so, then you just do that, right?
Now, I'll show you pictures about the first dress:
The dress looks pretty cheap, in my eyes. But this dress is also the wrong color so I don't know how the white one looks like which I ordered. It shines a lot and on the picture of the website, it totally looks different. The only thing I like, is the bow. It's also bad they don't put in the description that the top of the dress contains sequins. I'm very disappointed.
The sequins are also sewed very amateurish. They are not sewn on the fabric on a good way, also, a row of sequins disappears into the fabric in the middle, which looks very ugly & cheap.
The fabric is sewn way too close on the zipper, the zipper doesn't zip loose & up that good, the fabric gets stuck between the zipper and you really need to hold the piece of fabric apart from the zipper
As you can see, I don't fit the dress!
I can't even pull the top together to zip up the zipper.
You guys (Viviclothes) said I had to take a size M, because of my bust. Well, see the result here!
You guys use European pre-formed cupsize about.... B? C? for a person who has bust size 101, cupsize E! That's really not suitable for girls with bigger cups!
Okay, now.
Second dress!!!
The dress absolutely doesn't look on the pictures. Especially not the skirt & I also thought the tip would be complete different. It just looks pretty cheap. And you also can see, the top isn't a straight line. The left side goes more up than the right side, while you can see on the picture of Viviclothes that the top has a straight line.
Just like the other dress, the fabric is sewn way too close by the zipper. You can't zip the zipper loose that easy without the zipper pulling fabric along.
Sewn too close on the zipper.
The skirt is made of... Thin fabric
The top itself covers everything of my bust, but it doesn't fit, just like the other dress. But the other dress doesn't cover everything of my bust.
Same problem as the first dress, I can't pull the dress together to make the zipper go shut.
And they use B/C pre-formed cups which isn't suitable for girls who have bigger.
I send Viviclothes about 3 weeks ago an email about it all, that one dress has the wrong color and that I don't fit the dresses.
Somehow, when I send them a second email (I wrote the email in Dutch, since the site is Dutch too, so why would I write English?) I got an email back, they said the first mail I send, got lost (yea right =-='').
They don't accept returnings nor refunds.
Here are the emails:
It says: Hello,
I have already sent a message but still not received a message.
I find this very sad, but unfortunately I will make them a bad review on my blog if there is no reply within 3 days.
Best regards,
(My name)
Answer from Viviclothes:
They give me a coupon for discounts for my NEXT ORDER, with some free gifts and give aways.
In other words, I only get the discount coupon, free gifts & give away if I ever order at their site again, NO WAY! Like I would make the same mistake again, I'm not dumb.
I answered back
It's now 26-03
Still got no answer back from them so I send the email again.
And still got no answer back. Such a great service!!!
Now I'm gonna put this blogpost online and see what happens next ;).
Thanks for reading my post lovelies <3
Be aware of bad internetshops !!! :c
Big kisses & love,
Yuu San.