I've been very busy with much medical examinations lately and it really gave me much stress and much depressed feelings. All those tests exhausted me a lot and also frustrated me much because I always was like .... Do we have to go again? And if I'm feeling frustrated, angry or anything like that, I always abreact it on the ones I love.
If you don't know what a C.I. is, please read this blogpost of me: http://yuuxsan.blogspot.nl/2014/03/ci-aka-cochlear-implant-erasmus.html , or google: Cochlear Implant.
Source: http://www.gezondheidenco.nl/elske-wil-horen-met-twee-oren-geld-sparen-voor-een-cochleair-implantaat/
A few days ago, we finally had the final conversation about this journey with the question of I'm a good candidate for it, yes or no.
They told me, I'm a very good candidate for it, so it means I'm being put on the waiting list of a year and maybe in late 2015 or early 2016, I'll get the C.I. I was happy when I heard this but also had mixed feelings, I didn't know exactly what to think about it. It felt like, I was getting the operation that tomorrow already and it made me kind of scared. It was just coming very close.
Also, they want to save my low tones of myself because I hear enough with it and only want to place a C.I. which saves the low tones while the high tones, which I don't hear anymore, will be operated. So that means, I'll still hear the low tones of myself, through myself and not through the C.I. because normally, people with C.I. are completely deaf on that side, but in my case, I'll only be completely on high tones because my low tones are just still good enough.
Anyway, the operation will find place about a year, not now, luckily. I now can prepare myself on this all and I already made future plans. After I recovered from the operation, I'll go back to school, starting the training Fashion School, sewing clothes & all.
Also, my mum and I are busy searching more information about taking a Signal Dog, this dog helps deaf people with obstacles we are having every day. We're not sure of we need to take this dog before or after the operation.
Source: http://www.geocaching.com/track/log.aspx?LUID=48eacad6-4b99-42a3-86c5-87f4245ac777&IID=b99ee08d-8645-420f-a1cc-692f71cb3185
I'm just very excited about this Signal Dog, and if he/she can help me with my hearing problems every day, that would be great. When I'll start the training, I also planned to move from Vlissingen to Tilburg because here in this province, you don't have a training like that.
My mind is just being full of stress and full of future plans. I hope you liked reading this blogpost of me,
I might have forgotten some details or something, but as I earlier said, my mind is very full at the moment so I easily forget about things.
Pfffffffff......... I first delayed writing this, planning to write it the day after the conversation, but I didn't feel like writing back then.
Hope my friends will read this, and my family,
I hope you'll all understand how heavy this task weighs on me because some people, really talk about it so easily, like it's nothing. It is heavy and putting a lot of weight on me, hope you'll understand that.
I now will stop writing because arrgh, headache is taking over.
Thanks for reading & have a nice sunny (but very warm) day.
Big kissesss & hugs for all of you guys :)
Yuu San.