Hii sweeties!
This is my blogpost about the International Gyaru MeetUp I went to in January. It was held in Frankfurt, Germany :3.
This blogpost will have a lot of pictures so a lot of scrolling!
Since me and my bff Lenie, live in The Netherlands, we had to come to Germany with airplane. We decided that this would be the most cheapest way for us and less exhausting way. We live in Zeeland, so pretty far away from the border of The Netherlands - Germany.
So on friday morning, we traveled by train to the Amsterdam Airport <3.
My mom went along with us, she wanted to say bye and it was my first flight so, that's why xD. I'm glad she came with us because it was a bit hectic to find everything :P.
So, my derp face in the train ;D.
Me and momsy <3.
Of course she had to make all the puzzles in the newspapers hahaha XD.
And my dearest beeeest friend Lenie <3. Love u!
Errr, I think she wanted to blow an air-kiss to me hahah.
After we walked around for a little, I first wanted to visit the Cupcake Chic shop and expected to have a lot of choice, but unhappily, there wasn't xD. So I choosed this one, with Red Velvet & Cream Cheese or what >=<.
After we all ate something, we decided it was time to check in. I first took goodbye (well not a farewell haha) from momsy, she was so nervous all the time haha ;===;
I had a big suitcase so I needed to check this in first.
After we have done that, we still had to go through customs or whatever it's called.
In the row for the customs.
I felt so relieved when we got through customs because that's the only thing which made me nervous about the whole trip haha.
Trying to find our gate :3.
Swarovski shop <3.
And this was our planeee :3.
We had to wait a little first and our gate changed numbers all the time so that was pretty annoying, they changed like 3 times. Luckily we were on time by our last gate so we only had to wait on the boarding <3.
And then we finally could enter our plane :). We choosed seats nearby the wing :3.
And this are some vids of the airplane finally boarding.
We're flying aboveee the clouds <3.
Us in the plane :3.
Poof clouds ;o.
Our snack in the airplane xD.
And we finally arrived in Germany.
Beautiful sunset by our arrival ^-^
And then we had to take the bus to I dunnoo anymore, we thought it was main station but clearly not hahah, so we had to take a bus and then 2 trains to arrive by our hotel.
Waiting on the train to Frankfurt main station
Selfie with the bff ^-^
Ouuuur roooom!
Our beautifuuuul room <3 was sooo really worth the money hahah.
Near the station of Galluswarte, thank god! We stepped out of the train which brought us to Galluswarte, and in the distance I saw the hotel already and told Lenie, our hotel was about maybe 3-5 mins walking away from the station, so handy! ;///////;
Our cooooool minibar we didn't use lool.
Pass for the room ^-^
Next day we went to get breakfast early, we seriously dropped our jaws when we saw the breakfast room! It looked so beautiful!
The food was seriously so good ;____;
Delicouuuus fresh baked bread <3
Deliciouuuus cherry yoghurt, man..... I wish we had such sweet, good yoghurt here in The Netherlands ;=;
English breakfast corner hahaha.
Delicious toppings for on bread, I only took cheese though, I do not like meat toppings for bread xD.
Me and Lenie definitely enjoyed breakfast here, ohh man..... I can already taste the bread in my mouth right now ;____; I wanna go back *cries* So much good food, so many damnnnn!
Ourrrr delicious breakfaaast ;3
The afternoon of the meeting, we meeted up on Frankfurt Hbf, in front of the McDonalds ^^
Here are some pics
A picture together with Kuro ^=^. She's a very nice person and from The Netherlands too <3. Glad we're friends ;3.
Picture together with Kitai and Kuro <3. Kitai and Peggy were the organisators of the International Gyaru meeting this year. I find that they did an amazing job in organizing it, the whole meeting was perfect!
Lenie, me and Kuro *o*.
We arrived by the Romanfabrik and some other gals who were there already, welcomed us. It was really a fun & nice welcoming haha.
And then we had to make the grouppicture ^-^.
And here we're inside of the Romanfabrik :3
Picture with the three of us, me, Lenie and Kuro <3
Me and Lenie hahah
Picture in da toiletroom xD
Picture together with the dearest Miku!
Picture with the sweetest Chihiro <3. I consider her one of my gyaru friends ^-^
Me and Lizzie! *o* I was so excited to meet her in real life, I always follow her blogposts and she's really kind irl :3 (And funny in a entertaining way hahah). Luckily she recognized me from fb ;3.
Picture with lenie, lizzie and me
The file is unfortunately too big to be played, so please click the link below here and you can watch the vid on my fb ^^
Finally had the guts to take a pic together with Chewiee!
Chewiee, me and her pizza xD.
Sorry for the bad quality ;____;
After we had to go away by the Romanfabrik, me and Lenie hurried back to Galluswarte, and to the pizza shop across our hotel & bought a fresh delicious pizza <3
Ohhhh so delicious *o*. But..... I don't think he will win it from Dominos xD Pizza from Domino will stay my favorite haha.
After we had dinner, me and Lenie made ourselves ready for partying <3. We took on other outfits and I redid a bit of my make-up and put other lenses in :3.
We went to Karaokeeeeee!
Chewiee and Lizzie singing the first song, Linkin Park - Bring me to life <3. I really love Linkin Park ;/////;
It was so fun to hear them singing together,
So I filmed it .... Sorry girls ;////; It was just so fun to hear you singing together and the screams made it even funnier xD.
Some while laterrrrr
I took a cocktail <3 Named Mango Cooler, ohh damn it was so delicious but unfortunately they didn't had strawberry flavor Dx else I would have taken two hahah. Oh and Lenie had orange juice in a huge beer glass xD.
And here we went crazzzzzy with:
What does the fox say? <3
And the funniest of the whole evening was whennn,
Everyone danced together! We especially went crazy on the songs; What does the fox say, La Macarena & The ketchup song :3.
Here's a vid xD.
After karaoke, we waited for everyone again to go out for clubbing,
here are our derp facesss
Waiting outsideee
Later we decided it was better to go back because we wanted to have one drink and stay one hour, we were pretty tired too, we didn't have enough money with us to pay also entrance ;=; so that's why we decided to go back and save the money for our ride back tho The Netherlands.
But we made a picture together
And Lenie made a derp outfit picture for me xD.
I was wearing a D.I.A top and rest of them was offbrand ^-^
And here we were waiting for the tram/train/metro? (STILL NO IDEA WHAT VEHICLE IT WAS DAMNN XD)
Last day of staying over in Frankfurt, Germany *cries*
We decided to haveeee a big breakfast
Because we just loved it ewe. I'm still missing the cherry yoghurt though *makes grabby hands* ;__; but also the fresh little breads were delicious, especial with butter & cheese *___*
View from our hotelroom. A really nice old kind of building in front of the hotel <3
Oh no, my secret is revealed Dx, I'm a Harry Potter nerd and I'm not ashamed of that ;D.
Tried to make a sad face because we're leaving, Misson failed.
Fail lol.
Ourrrr beautiful hotelroom woahh
Ok enough selfies for now.
Time to give points for the Hotel
Weeeee give aaaaa
4,5 out of 5! Except for the cold shower I had after I took a shower after Lenie (ahum, that's really not nice when your hair's still in shampoo and a bit of shampoo got in your eyes and you also were busy with shaving your legs T__T), the hotel service was really nice! Delicious breakfast, big hotelroom, big toiletroom, nice beds, just eveeeerything was purrrfect *o*.
So we left some souvenirs behind for them, as a gift and mementóóóó to never forget about their Dutchies customers *o*. (ok.... no, kidding xD. I ACCIDENTALLY kicked the trash can ;==; sowwy)
So sad we had to leave, goodbye hotelroom number 104, our trip will end here.
Aaand we're back on Galluswarte train stationnn
Of course we had to take pics of the station ;D
Ohmygod.... Our derp heads xD. Hahaha.
When arrived at Frankfurt Hbf, we of course couldn't walk past theee;
Dunkin Donuts <3
And in the train to the airport, we ate our donuts ;3
Foodloving chicks dúhh.
Back on the Frankfurt airport we are!
As a memory to go there once we're in frankfurt again ewe.
Flight to Amsterdam <3 Gate D. Oh man, luckily our gate didn't change one time!! God bless Frankfurt Airport *o*
Is that a Ferrari?
Mmmh, not sureee but I had to make a pic of it :"DD.
To kill time a bit, since we checked in waaaaaay too early, we walked around in a shop selling famous beauty brands <3.
And then we went back
And we were dem chilling chicks on the lounge chairss
Ohohohoh, we had to chill on these lounge chairs
Looking like a tramp or what with my shawl loool
After waiting
And waiting
And waiting
And waiting.....
We finally could go to our flight, about 20 mins too early <3
And then ..... When we sat down, guess?
We had to wait on other passengers hahaha,
so our flight arrived a bit too late lool.
But not like we cared, we had fun!
The lights fascinated me =n___n=
Agaaain, nacho snacks mmmmh!
And here we finally arrived back, safely in Amsterdaaam!
And we took the train back to Vlissingen! Well, Lenie had to go to Goes so she needed to step out earlier.
Hahaha derpy selfie pics <3
This is the last pics I've taken in that weekend
Shocked! I'm back in Vlissingen owo
This are some edited pics.
With Lenie, Chihiro, Lizzie, Kuro and Chewiee ^-^
With my bff <3
Derping around x3
And the stuff I got/bought ^^
A present my dear bff bought for me when she was in Japan <3
And she bought some other thingies too for me, I'm really happy haha ;///;
Thanks so much sweetie, I'll take the magazine with me and read it for in the hospital ^^. (Post about that after this blogpost)
Chocker I got from the lottery!
A selfmade very nice fan we got from the organisation of this meetup ^o^
Of course I couldn't leave Frankfurt without buying Souvenirs, that's number #1 rule whenever you visit another country you've never been in! <3
A snowglobe <3
This was the best, most cosy and fun International Gyaru meet-up I went to. It was indescribable amazing! I have no words for how awesome this meeting was. The people all were so kind, the organisation of the meeting was perfect, Peggy & Kitai did a really great job! ^-^
I'm sad this meeting is over but,
we still have next year to look forwards to, right?
I hope I can make it to the next International meetup next year <3.
The most fun to do was the karaoke, traveling, eating food, pulling outfits & make-up on and meeting new, fun people!
Thanks you all
And I hope to see you next year too!
Big kisses & love from,
Yuu San (Esmee San on fb ^-^)