Saturday, June 7, 2014

Birthday Party of my brother!! :D.

Hellooo guysss, this is a late post about my brother's birthday party! *-*

It wasn't a big party, only me, my brother and his boyfriend, and a friend of my brother were there, but we had fun!

Me and my mum spended the whole weekend at my brother's place, from friday until monday ^^

I'll show you some pics <3.

First at all, the friday morning, I baked pink cupcakes for my brother <3 It was soooooo delicious

But decorating the cupcakes was a hell XDD. So I became lazy and let my mother do that stuff. *shame on me* >=< hahah.
The surpriseeee of the cupcakes... I put some rum essence in it! And it tasted so sweet omfg x//////////////x

I decided to also make strawberry cheesecake for my brother, as a surprise too. It doesn't look tasty because it was a bit dark in the room, but dayummmm, it tasted delicious also *o*.

And my aunt decided she'll make a cherries monchou cake for my brother, for free ^=^. The cake's a bit ruined because we had to go to my brother's place with the car... xD It tasted also very delicious omfg nomnomnom *o*

BUTTT, the biggest surprise.... My brother also bought a cake for us!!!! DDDX Because the cakes we brought along and the cupcakes, were a surprised, so he bought himself a birthday cake and fuck.... There suddenly were 3 cakes to eat and even some cupcakes *felt like a big balloon*. I even didn't tasted the chocolate cake because I ugh.. I was too full already and the cakes needed to be eaten. So, I ate cake, exactly 4 days XD. I couldn't see anymore cake after that weekend haha.

The cupcakes my mom decorated. The topping was delicious <3. Best cupcakes made ever!

My brother tasting the cakessss. 

''Yumyummm!'' x3

And now, the presents! <3

I love the faces my brother makes haha. So funny to see <3. Also people always ask me and my brother ''Are you twins?'' No, unhappily not xD. My brother is 3 years older than me ^__^

My brother's boyfriend. Didn't want to be on the picture xD.

New phone case woahh! Since his previous one was broken.

An ashtray and lighter xD. Dat face lol <333

''Cupcakes stand?! I don't bake cupcakes, I don't even have an oven!'' His reaction on it x3 haha.

I saw this car at Intratuin, a dutch store, and I had to buy it for him <3. Because he has some English decorations and he loves Volkswagens <3.

The next day, a best friend of my brother, came to pick us up to go to a terrace x3. It was a very sunny day and on the terrace, there was a man being very drunk that even the police was called for him. My mother asked me to make a picture xD.

We choosed to have some cocktails on the terrace and I had a strawberry one <3.

The day was very nice and for dinner we went to McDonalds xD.

The next day, my brother and his boyfriend decided to surprise my mom with a day Efteling! That's a dutch theme park ^=^. Look at the lady in blue in the back, photobombing Tsk!

The Aquanura water show! Look at that beautiful rainbow! *o*

And of course, me, my brother and his boyfriend had to go in all the attractions haha <3.

You'll be laughing your ass off if you see the close-up down here XDDD. I laugh everytime I see my brother. He could be a masculine manba orso xD. The way he sticks his arm up and the peace sign.... It just looks like how those manba's would do xD. Love this pic!

The attraction is Bob Slee ^^.

My brother really is the star of all the attraction pics hahah xD. He's such a funny guy, love him <'3

The attraction is Vogelrok ^=^

And of course I had to buy myself some niceeee things <3 Elves ;D.

I hoped you enjoyed this blogpost as much as I did that weekend! 

Next weekend i'll go to Animecon so be sure to watch me!

Big kisses & loveeee,

Yuu San <3.